Records and Financial Services is a resource center for students and families that combines the Office of Financial Aid, the University Bursar and Records and Registration. This one-stop shop will give you access to the information and the assistance you’ll need to navigate your financial and academic journey as a UBalt student. Specifically, this site and our experienced professionals will help you:
- evaluate the available options to finance your education and strengthen your financial knowledge
- understand your student account, your tuition bill and how to process a payment
- get access to course schedules, class registration and your academic transcripts.
If you need assistance, please contact us by email:
If you need help from the Bursar's Office: ubaltbursar@ubalt.edu
For assistance from the Office of Financial Aid: financialaid@ubalt.edu
If you need information from Records and Registration: records@ubalt.edu
Use the link below to securely submit required documents:
All required documents on your "To Do List" must be submitted. Go to the "My Student Center" section on your to review your list.
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid is committed to helping to make your education affordable. We help you plan for your educational expenses before, during and after college. Visit our website to learn about the types of financial aid we offer, financial aid eligibility requirements, and available scholarships, grants, loans and student employment options.
The Office of the Bursar is devoted to the financial success of students at UBalt. We help make tuition payment arrangements, issue refunds and supply yearly tax information regarding your higher education expenses. Visit our website to learn about payment information and dates, payment installment plans, refunding information and more.
Records and Registration
The Office of Records and Registration is dedicated to providing the best possible customer service to students, faculty and staff. We are here to support you from your first class registration at UBalt through to the day you graduate. Visit our website to learn about deadlines, the academic calendar, residency, registration and more.